Senior Care South Florida

At Advocare, our vision is simple. Providing optimal care to seniors to improve their overall quality of life. That, in fact, is the basis and the vision with which Advocare was first created. Our Care Managers take the utmost pride and joy in the work they do every day through geriatric care in South Florida. It is rewarding to see that the elder patients entrusted to us, are meeting their long-term care needs and are living more joyful and independent lives. Care Managers and Caregivers work in conjunction to guarantee the well-being and stability of your loved one.  

We work in what we like to refer to as a concentric system. Think about it this way, the outer circle is composed of our Care Managers, while the inner one is compiled of our Caregivers. Through this method we’ve been able to sustain an effective geriatric care program in South Florida. At Advocare we are about doing exactly that. Advocating and caring. Our Care Managers are intent on serving as the spokesperson for our senior patients. They store all the vital information that Caregivers will need to take into consideration, in order to have the right approach when caring for our patients. During a doctor’s visit, for instance, the Care Manager will be present to collect all relevant details that will later on influence the Caregiver’s approach with the patient. 

Through planning and coordinating, we are able to successfully deliver quality and compassionate geriatric care in South Florida. When it comes to what a Care Manager at Advocare can do for you, there are several things that a Care Manager can aid you with, including: managing medications at home, helping you select the most qualified and caring doctors and accompanying you to appointments, identifying financial entitlements to cover the costs for care, facilitating the transition to assisted living and more.  

Furthermore, at Advocare, our Care Managers are also in charge of developing a profile for Caregivers, screening them and matching you with the one that best adapts your needs. This process is crucial to guarantee positive results. Our Caregivers have the knowledge and expertise required to treat patients with physical or mental impairments as well. Not only that, but during the screening and profile creation process, we also make sure that the individuals joining our staff possess the qualities that any Care Manager or Caregiver must possess. Those traits are, patience, compassion, dedication and empathy.  

For more information on Advocare’s Geriatric Care in South Florida, feel free to reach us at (561) 266-3489. We understand that entrusting us with the care of your loved one can be a drastic and difficult step. However, we are a highly-regarded Care Management agency with a wonderful and professional staff of Caregivers and Care Managers. For details on our hours, other services available and to meet our Care Managers, visit our website,